Rooted Landscapes

How can regenerative and climate-resilient forestry management systems allow for a culture of care and innovation within the British timber industry?

Rooted Landscapes examines British Woodlands, recognising their lack of sustainable management, productivity and poor disease resilience; without intervention, current monoculture forestry practices will force the collapse of woodland ecosystems and available British timber. Therefore, this project proposes a sustainable forestry model that ignites ecological wealth in partnership with high-quality timber and design innovation. 

In collaboration with professionals, Rooted Landscapes identifies disease and climate-resilient tree species to ensure a future for British woodlands. Phase one of this project brings together these climate-resilient species to form a prototype for a regenerative forestry management model. This model will establish a future of ecological well-being and circular timber supply. Therefore, Rooted Landscapes is a prototype designed to encourage the afforestation and inhabitation of underused land through the co-participation of human and non-human life. 

Phase two of Rooted Landscapes investigates different forms of timber construction that maintain circular economies within the forest; the output is a series of sensitive design inquiries for the housing industry. This overall design response focuses on building systems that utilise specific timbers grown in the forestry management model, offering construction value to underused and climate-friendly woods. 

Rooted Landscapes will rest in uncharted territories, a settlement of flexible lifestyle, timber innovation and forestry education. This project is a community of people, ecosystems and the forest, ultimately offering our modernised society a different way to relate to and care for forests.